
drain away是什么意思翻译_drain away的音标怎么读

drain away

渐渐枯竭, 流尽


Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away.


The bath-water slowly drained away.



形容词: drainable | 名词: drainer | 动词过去式: drained | 动词过去分词: drained | 动词现在分词: draining | 动词第三人称单数: drains |

1. 排去; 流掉

They are digging trenches to drain the water away.


2. 枯竭; 变弱

It seemed that his life was draining away.


drain away

渐渐枯竭, 流尽


Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away.


The bath-water slowly drained away.



形容词: drainable | 名词: drainer | 动词过去式: drained | 动词过去分词: drained | 动词现在分词: draining | 动词第三人称单数: drains |

1. 排去; 流掉

They are digging trenches to drain the water away.


2. 枯竭; 变弱

It seemed that his life was draining away.


drain away


形容词: drainable | 名词: drainer | 动词过去式: drained | 动词过去分词: drained | 动词现在分词: draining | 动词第三人称单数: drains |

drain awaydrain away
1.翻译:(使)流走〔去〕The rainwater drained away.雨水流掉了。Dig trenches to drain away the water.挖沟以排水。
2.翻译:(使)吸引走Some of the cleverest men in Britain drained away to the United States after the war.战后, 英国的一些最有才华的人外流到美国去了。
3.翻译:(使)减弱The old lady's strength is draining away.老妇人的体力在渐渐衰竭。This hard work has drained away my keenness.这种艰苦的工作削弱了我的锐气。
4.翻译:(使)用尽〔消耗完〕Now that price are rising so fast, all my money is draining away.物价上涨得如此快, 我的钱都快花光了。The rise in costs has drained all our profit away.成本的提高把我们的利润全部都抵消了。

drain away
1.翻译:[亦作 drain off]把(水等)排掉;(水等)流掉;排走:Dig trenches to drain the water away(或off).开沟排水。
2.翻译:使(财富、人才等)外流:Their fortune drained away.他们的财富外流了。Some of experts in Russia were drained away to the United states in recent years.最近几年俄罗斯一些专家外流到了美国。
3.翻译:(使)(金钱等)耗尽(或用掉):Because we has bought a new house, all our money is draining away.因我们买了新房,我们所有的钱都快用完了。
4.翻译:使(热情、兴趣、紧张情绪等)渐渐消失;使(精力)逐渐衰竭:The old lady felt as though all her strength had drained away.那位老太太似乎感到她的全部精力已经衰竭了。This work has drained my enthusiasm away.这项工作已使我的热情渐渐消失了。

见:drain: drain away

drain away

名词 drain:

emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it


tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material

a pipe through which liquid is carried away

同义词:drainpipe, waste pipe

a gradual depletion of energy or resources

动词 drain:

flow off gradually

同义词:run out

deplete of resources

empty of liquid; drain the liquid from

make weak

同义词:enfeeble, debilitate